Can you look younger this summer? Yes, with Josie Maran!

I can always tell the marathon runners, golfers, boaters by their complexion. That’s because no matter what SPF you use, hat or umbrella, that ol’ sun weasels around, reflects off sand, concrete and water to reach up and age you. That dry and leathery look gives the game away! I was happy to be hosted to experience a new product — Josie Maran Triple Hydroxy Resurfacing Liquid. I don’t know if this is related — I’m too afraid to risk that it’s not, I’ll be keeping it up — a very famous person referred to me as “kid” recently. I hadn’t heard that for decades! I’ll take it.

You know that exfoliation is necessary to get rid of dead skin cells and help other products absorb better. But, sometimes or all the time, you might not want to use something scrubby on your face. Those type of exfoliants can cause micro tears, welts and hives.

Instead, the new and gentle liquid gets you that fresh and smoother complexion. You can apply it up to once a day with a cotton pad. It doesn’t sting and you can apply makeup right away. This is what they say about it:

“An advanced blend of seven key acids—including skincare powerhouses you know and love: glycolic, lactic, azelaic acids—plus our signature pineapple enzymes, which work together to transform the surface of skin, while soothing and hydrating Argan leaf extract keeps everything calm, cool, and collected. Instead of the usual peel-pad system (which always ends up drying out!), simply swipe on this quick-absorbing, leave-on liquid to instantly dissolve the bonds between dead cells, give a boost to collagen production, and help regulate pigment production. Improve the look of fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and pore size and rev up skin’s natural turnover cycle…all one formula that takes moments to apply. Serious skincare, made easy.

96% agreed skin appeared smoother, brighter, and softer to the touch.”

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